As head of the neighborhood watch, Wilma received the call of a lifetime. “I love her as we try to be good neighbors and lead the neighborhood night to unite each year in August” Annmarie said! Wilma was thrilled at the prospect of her dream job coming true! She couldn't wait to move into her new home and get started. She buckled up and hit the road with AnnMarie by her side. Wilma has quickly settled into her new role. It's a perfect fit!!!!
Epilogue:Wilma brought two old friends together. AnnMarie and I went to high school together. AnnMarie is an absolute gem of a person. She brought me flowers! I feel blessed to be her friend. We ate sandwiches by the river, talking about the good old days of the 1980s. We laughed until it hurt. Spent a great deal of time taking selfies because it's not easy for 57 year olds to do! I am so grateful for a new memory with an old friend!
Wilma~head of the Neighborhood watch
That eye follows you! one of my first abstract florals !
Just like Wilma, let's be there for our neighbors, always ready to help and support them.
acrylic on canvas 20x20 2024