
February~I laughed, I cried, I ate tacos, I spent 5 days in FLorida, I rage screamed in my car, I went to the car mechanic 3 damn times, I worked on my website, I had a anxiety attack, I started ALANON again, I had a wonderful conversation with my kid who talks to me, I walked on my walking pad everyday! I slept through the night, I might not of over text anyone!!!! I drank hella lots of coffee, I had 12 no spending day(yes! I keep track), I said “Nope not anymore”, I ate good food, I crafted more then I painted. I watched Effy Gray, The Empress, the Education, Captured the Castle (loved all 4) I stayed sober, I hopefully helped someone else stay sober. I loved my Cat, I watched LESS TIKTOK, I stayed HOME, I laughed at the absurdity of life. Sounds like a good month! What did you do in February?

