we have done this before
This is a piece of embroidery I stitched at the beginning of the pandemic. I stopped stitching a couple of years later. When we moved, I packed my pieces away, not knowing when I would need them again. Today is the day I need them again. I am feeling all the 2020 vibes again.
And here's the thing. It absolutely sucks that we have to do this again. But… we have done this before! I, for one, refuse to give up my sobriety, my mental health, or the new way of living I created for anyone or anything.
This seems like a good place to start again.
“And the people stayed HOME. They read books, listened, rested, learned new ways of being. Were still. We listened more deeply, meditated, prayed, danced. Met our shadows. We started to think differently, and people healed. When the Danger passed, We created new ways to live.”
I will be stitching in the evenings again.
Love you, Beth